7 Ways To Take Charge Of Your Bladder At Work!
Coping with an overactive bladder isn't easy, especially when in the workplace. Whether you find yourself battling the urge to rush to the toilet 🚽 or are worried about bladder leaks during a meeting, the advice below will help you take charge of your bladder.
1. Avoid drinking lots of coffee ☕ (and the water cooler)
Urinary incontinence often boils down to what you drink rather than how much you drink. Beverages that contain alcohol 🍷 and caffeine ☕ are big culprits—they're known as diuretics and can be irritating to your bladder, so it might be wise to steer clear of these drinks if you experience bladder leakage.
Unfortunately, that's not all; carbonated drinks🥤, citric fruits like oranges 🍊, lemons 🍋 and tomatoes 🍅 can also irritate your bladder.
While you definitely still want to stay hydrated, limiting the quick guzzles of water right before meetings can be beneficial. We’re not saying to stop liquids altogether—just to find a healthy balance. Keep in mind that not drinking enough water can be problematic as well. When your body doesn’t have enough water, your urine will naturally become more concentrated, which in turn can cause bladder irritation and increased urgency.
2. Plan your bathroom breaks 🗓️
Many urologists and incontinence experts recommend trying something called "timed voiding." This means setting up a bathroom schedule based on the clock, not your body's signals.
Instead of holding it for 3-4 hours until you really need to go, you'd make a trip to the bathroom every two hours, regardless of whether you feel an urge.
3. Have an emergency kit 🎒
Put together an emergency kit to keep either at your desk or in your bag. Make sure to include extra incontinence products (try our Comforts range), wet wipes (try our new Cottons Intimate Wipes), and a change of underwear and clothes. This way, you're all set for any unexpected accidents.
Having this kit on hand will bring you peace of mind and simplify the handling of any unplanned leaks.
4. Skip sugary snacks ❌🍬
Sugar tends to fuel the growth of bacteria inside your body, which can lead to urinary tract and bladder infections.
Surprisingly, swapping sugar with artificial sweeteners isn't a great alternative either, as they're believed to be just as bad. If you're grappling with an overactive bladder and urinary incontinence problems, try cutting out sweets and see if you notice any improvement.
5. Invest in high quality products 🛍️
Are you tired of struggling to find the perfect product to address your urinary incontinence needs?
Our Comforts range is tailored to meet the diverse needs of women of all ages managing urinary incontinence. Whether you have light, medium or very heavy flows, Comforts offers a wonderful solution to address your needs.
Our team devoted careful attention to curate the Comforts line with the finest 100% natural cotton, guaranteeing breath-ability, great absorbency, and skin-loving qualities 🌱. We understand that comfort is paramount, which is why our products are designed with comfort as our top priority.
6. Speak to your workplace about incontinence 🤝
If you find that your bladder troubles are becoming noticeable at work, it might be a good idea to have an open conversation with your boss, however it is completely your choice.
If you do share this with your boss and/or HR, you can stay ahead of any potential problems and avoid more awkward discussions down the line. Share with your boss/HR team that you're actively taking steps to manage your condition and explain what that entails, such as needing to step away from your desk for bathroom breaks every hour or two.
7. Assess your weight and activity level ⚖️
Weight plays a significant role in bladder control, as research has established a direct link between obesity and incontinence. How? Well, carrying excess weight puts added pressure on your abdomen, which, in turn, places pressure on your bladder. Some studies have even shown that shedding just 10% of your total body weight can potentially slash your risk of urinary accidents by up to 50%.
We know that fitting exercise in during a busy workday can feel nearly impossible, but the overall health benefits of staying active makes the effort worthwhile. While some activities might exacerbate the problem, that doesn’t mean you can’t try other activities. For instance, if running triggers bladder issues, consider switching to a lower-impact activity like cycling 🚴 or going for long walks 🚶.
Alternatively, you can stick with running but use incontinence pads such as our Comforts pads for added confidence and comfort.
We hope these 7 tips are tools you can use in your daily life and give you the confidence to live your life to the absolute fullest 🌟