POSTPARTUM PERIODS: How to Stay Comfortable and Confident

POSTPARTUM PERIODS: How to Stay Comfortable and Confident

It’s exciting knowing your little one is soon to arrive in the world!
In the midst of preparing for your baby, we recommend allocating time to consider your own needs before baby arrives, specifically the importance of maternity pads.

 In this guide, we'll provide you with information about maternity pads and explain why they are a vital component of your maternity care kit. 


Why do women need pads after birthing?  

Before pregnancy, your body underwent a monthly process of preparing your uterus by lining it, and if the egg wasn't fertilized, this lining would shed (aka- your period). However, pregnancy brings significant changes to your body. Over the months, the volume of blood in your body increases by 30-50% to support the growth and nourishment of your baby.  
After giving birth, this uterine lining will be shed once again, much like a menstrual period. But this postpartum bleeding, known as lochia, will persist for 2-6 weeks and may feel more intense than any period you've experienced. It's important to note that lochia occurs regardless of whether you had a vaginal birth or a cesarean section. 


How do I manage postpartum bleeding? 

  It's crucial to be prepared for what to expect during the postpartum period. As previously mentioned, postpartum bleeding typically occurs for 2-6 weeks, and throughout this time, the characteristics of the bleeding will change 
In the initial 3-10 days, you can expect the heaviest flow, which will appear bright red or brownish red. Over the following weeks, the volume of the bleeding will gradually decrease and the colour will start to transition to a pinkish hue and eventually becoming yellow to cream in color.
Approaching your postpartum recovery with caution and mindfulness is necessary. Certain activities can exacerbate bleeding, such as physical exertion and breastfeeding. Even simple actions like getting out of bed or standing from a seated position can cause an increase in bleeding.
If you notice a large surge in bleeding, it likely signifies excessive activity, and it's important to stop the activity immediately. If bleeding persists despite rest and reduced activity, consult with your healthcare practitioner for further guidance. 

What pads are best for postpartum?

You may want to consider starting your postpartum journey by using
Cottons Organic’s Maternity Pads.

Our maternity pads were designed in conjunction with a leading Australian maternity hospital to ensure they offer optimal absorption and comfort for new mums. What sets our maternity pads apart is that they are crafted from 100% certified organic cotton, providing a gentle and comfortable option for postnatal use.   
Once your lochia begins to ease, you may find that you no longer require such high-absorbency pads. If that’s the case, we recommend exploring our
Ultra-Thin Regular Pads or Ultra-Thin Super Pads.

These options are well-suited for medium to heavy flow and, like our maternity pads, are also made with 100% organic cotton, making them hypo-allergenic, breathable and both feature wings to keep you feeling comfortable and leak-free all day.
To explore our full range of Cottons products, please click here. 

How long until you can use tampons again? 

You make be mentally ready to begin using Cottons Organic Tampons again, but during your 6-week postpartum period, it’s advisable to abstain from inserting anything into your vagina until you receive the ‘OK’ from your healthcare provider.